
Now there’s a way to have your dues paid for you…


The Diamond Membership – the only MEMBERSHIP that pays YOU!



Your purchase WILL GROW and provide you with


We pay your club fees ALL YEAR.

The purchase you made – returned in 12 months.

The Result: Free Club Membership – ANYWHERE

Diamonds have served as a store of wealth for centuries just as gold has. Like gold (and unlike real estate, art and wine), diamonds are a commodity, a natural resource and universally accepted as a currency. Unlike gold, diamonds are more easily transported, are much scarcer and in most cases significantly more valuable. Once consigned back, through our brand Beverly Hills Diamonds you receive the HUGE RETURNS found only when buying wholesale then retailing.

We’ll pay your annual club FEES


50% to 120% RETURNS!

Traditionally, most people keep their liquidity in savings accounts, CD’s, bonds, mutual funds and stocks. But what if you were offered access to something far more profitable which was previously unavailable and only available now, here with us?

By securing alternative assets in the high-jewelry market, we provide you with everything you need to receive remarkable returns, which are all GUARANTEED! Whether you’re an individual, asset manager or family office, it’s the ultimate path to huge gains.

Because it is based upon converting your liquidity to fine jewelry we’ve aptly named it the “The Diamond Membership.” Through The Diamond Membership you have an “in,” one which has never existed until now. We’ve done something unique, offered you protected assets, while returning HIGH RETURNS and with ZERO RISK!


Until us, entering into the high jewelry industry for profit has been nearly impossible, having been closely guarded by jewelers for decades. Those who do purchase jewelry traditionally come in at the retail side, never being allowed access to purchase at wholesale where tremendous margins are made when reselling at retail. This leaves the average “buyer” with the problem of converting their jewelry back into liquidity at profit, which when bought back by jewelers is commonly just 5-10% of the original purchase price. So yes, diamonds and jewelry do contain very high value, but the jewelers are the only benefactors of the profits. Now however, you can too!

With The Diamond Membership we focus on creating HIGH PROFITS for you. By first bringing you in at a favorable purchase point, we then consign the purchased inventory offering you a fixed return as it is then sold through our sister brands both online and through retail to make your HIGH RETURNS possible. In other words, we bring you “inside” the diamond jewelry industry, but require you to do nothing.

With terms of just 12 to 24 months, you are now profiting as if you had your own jewelry store, but with none of the hassle, operations, leases, staff, marketing and overhead costs. In essence, The Diamond Membership turns each of your dollars into $1.25, $1.50, up to $2.00 and more. Where else can you place your liquidity to GROW at up to 100%, guaranteed annually, year after year with no risk and no downside?

Now you can remove yourself completely from the low-interest of savings accounts and CD’s while eliminating the risk of stocks, crypto and other investments. Now you can convert your liquidity into diamond jewelry with guaranteed HIGH returns and ZERO risk.

This is your invitation to come into the high jewelry market and enjoy rich returns!

Founder – Fisher Diamond Investments
Diamond Wealth Formula, The Diamond Membership
& Beverly Hills Diamonds

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* Please note: Once we meet our initial client target, all rates will drop for those who waited. In the interest of transparency, BOTH schedules of return are viewable on this site for you to see.

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